In Community

Evan Buliung, JJ Gerber, and Gabriella Albino. Photo by Dahlia Katz

The Musical Stage Company not only produces musical productions, but fosters future generations of musical theatre artists, fans, and aficionados. We are committed to building and enriching communities through musical storytelling.

The following are three current initiatives The Musical Stage Company offers in its Education & Community portfolio.

One Song Glory

A free musical theatre training program for youth from across Ontario ages 13-19, including a final performance in a professional venue downtown Toronto.

The Marquee Ensemble

MARQUEE is a free arts program that seeks to empower LGBTQ2S+ youth in Toronto by connecting them to the stories and songs of The Musical Stage Company productions.

Apprentice Program

Eight emerging artists working in different areas of musical theatre receive mentorship and support in residency with The Musical Stage Company for one season.

The Musical Stage Company is building Canada’s Musical Theatre Culture.

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