THE 2024 RBC CREATORS’ CABARET: Love You (On One Condition)
Every year since 2012 The Musical Stage Company has worked with two exceptional musical theatre performers and showcased their extraordinary abilities at an annual cabaret showcase. Each year Toronto musical theatre fans have come to the cabaret as an opportunity to get to know the stars of tomorrow and earn the right to say “I saw them when…”
This year’s project has been produced, conceived, written, and directed by these incredibly talented artists. Our 2023-24 RBC Apprentice Artists should be on your radar – they are poised to take our sector by storm!
Shaemus Swets, Enya Watson The Musical Stage Company’s 2023-24 RBC Apprentice writer-performers, are proud to present Love You (On One Condition), an expressive cabaret performance and passionate self-investigation of personal roots, creative expression and the journey of two incredible artists. This 12th anniversary showcase is led by 2023-2024 RBC apprentice Director Bryn Kennedy, with dramaturgical support from Apprentice Artistic Director Sarah O’Brecht, and features exciting musical selections, performed by Shaemus Swets and Enya Watson themselves.
LOVE YOU (ON ONE CONDITION) is a one time event that will be presented on: Monday, March 4th, 2023 at 8:00 PM at Factory Theatre, 125 Bathurst Street.

RBC Apprentice Performer & Writer
Shaemus Swets
RBC Apprentice Performer & Writer
Enya Watson
RBC Apprentice Director & Kathleen C. Freeman Development Fund Recipient
Bryn Kennedy
Dramaturgy, Apprentice Artistic Director & Kathleen C. Freeman Development Fund Recipient
Sarah O'Brecht
Music Director & Piano Accompanist
Chris Tsujiuchi
Cabaret Coordinator
Sydney Stobo