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Memorable quotes from Grey Gardens

If you haven’t heard of or seen the film, get ready to become as obsessed with Grey Gardens as we are.  The documentary, released in the U.S. on February 19, 1976 (40 years to the day of the first preview of our production), shocked the world by introducing it to two legendary women, Little Edie and Big Edie Beale. They’re now iconic for their eccentric lifestyle, fashion sense, and some really crazy quotes. Here are a few of the best from the real-life Edies – some of these even inspired songs in the musical! 

“The cat’s going to the bathroom right in back of my portrait. I’m glad he is. I’m glad somebody’s doing something they want to do.” – Big Edie

“Of course, I’m mad about animals, but raccoons and cats become a little bit boring. I mean, for too long a time.” – Little Edie

“You see, she doesn’t want me to eat anymore ’cause she got so fat. So I have to sit here and starve all the time.” – Big Edie


“There are some nice people in the world, you know, I just don’t happen to be related to any of them.” – Little Edie

“France had just fallen to Hitler. France fell, but Edie didn’t fall.” – Big Edie

“Grey Gardens is oozing with romance, ghosts, and other things.” – Little Edie

big edie

“I had my cake, loved it, masticated it, chewed it and had everything I wanted.” – Big Edie

“I tell you if there’s anything worse than dealing with a staunch woman… S-T-A-U-N-C-H. There’s nothing worse, I’m telling you. They don’t weaken, no matter what.” – Little Edie

“You get very independent when you live alone. You get to be a real individual.” – Big  Edie

big edie little edie

“This is the revolutionary costume! I never wear this in East Hampton!” – Little Edie

“He always compliments me on the way I do my corn.” – Big Edie

“We better check on mother and the cats. She’s a lot of fun, I hope she doesn’t die. I hate to spend another winter here though. Oh God, another winter.” – Little Edie


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