MT Scavenger Hunt: A Little Night Music
This season The Stratford Festival is presenting one of Sondheim’s most iconic musicals, A Little Night Music. We caught up with our 2012/2013 Bank’s Prize Winner Alexis Gordon, who shines as Anne Egerman, to take us backstage on a Musical Theatre scavenger hunt!
1) The Most Sublime Costume
2)The Most Extravagant Prop
Photography by Alexis Gordan
Our greenroom is filled with a lot of framed treasures from shows at the Avon past, but one of my favourites this season, was finding Juan (with actress, Amy Walsh) in a photo from his performance in Dracula: A Chamber Musical, from 1999. So neat to learn more about what Juan has done in the past at the Festival, to working with him onstage now!
5) Favourite Moment in A Little Night Music
Yanna McIntosh as Désirée Armfeldt and Ben Carlson as Fredrik Egerman in A Little Night Music. Photography by David Hou.
The score for this show is probably the best in music theatre history, so to be able to listen from offstage, and sing with onstage, an incredible 19-piece orchestra, under the music direction of the brilliant Franklin Brasz, is such an honour and gift every single performance. The “Night Waltz” at the top of the show (after the extraordinary quintet blow everyone away with their stunning vocals in the Overture), a handful of us get to waltz to. And other than my fear of tripping on the train of one of many stunning gowns, it’s a highlight for me to be able to hear our talented orchestra musicians fill the theatre by themselves for part of the evening.
6) Opening Night Highlight
Photography by Alexis Gordon
I think we all sort of dropped our jaws at this one… Rumour still has it that Sondheim may be in town some time during the run to witness our show, but leave it to our director, Gary Griffin to elevate our opening night to having the privilege of being blessed by one of the gods of contemporary musical theatre. Stephen Sondheim sent our cast a beautiful opening night note, and now I’m quite sure no other opening night note can ever beat this one… What a show, what a talented cast, team and crew, what a dream to be a part of!
A Little Night Music plays at the Avon Theatre at The Stratford Festival until October 23, 2016.