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MT Scavenger Hunt: Seussical

This season Young People’s Theatre is presenting Seussical, a holiday favourite for kids and adults alike.  We caught up with our Banks Prize winners,  Arinea Hermans (starring as the adorably awkward Gertrude McFuzz) and Jahlen Barnes (Playing a hilarious Wickersham Brother), to take us backstage on a Musical Theatre Scavenger Hunt!

1) The Most Sublime Costume

Erin Breen. Photography by Arinea Hermans & Jahlen Barnes
All of the costumes are beautiful, but Mayzie’s costume in particular is pretty incredible. Pictured here is Erin Breen as Miss La Bird herself. Designed by Charlotte Dean and constructed in house by the amazing team at YPT, it’s obvious why the kids (let’s be honest – adults, too) go insane for it. Mayzie leaves a trail of hot pink feathers and glitter wherever she goes. Erin will be scrubbing glitter off her face months after our closing.

2)The Most Extravagant Prop

Arinea Hermans. Photography by Arinea Hermans & Jahlen Barnes

The most extravagant prop is the gigantic version of the Cat’s hat. Here’s Arinea inside of it for scale. Several of our cast members lift it from the inside and parade it around the stage, giving the illusion of a huge hat that moves all by itself. It’s the best way to start the show – the laughter and gasps from the kids is magic. 


3) A Backstage Ritual

Arinea Hermans & Claire Rouleau. Photography by Arinea Hermans & Jahlen Barnes

Arinea: I have little things that I do before certain scenes. Erica Peck and I fist-bump (with explosion, of course) just before we go on as fish for “It’s Possible”. I also blow Jon Tan a kiss or wave from across the wings before one scene. I also like to take polaroids during the show when the moment allows. Pictured is one of Claire Rouleau and I just before heading off to be fish.
Jahlen: Something I like to do is laugh with my colleagues before we go onstage. It’s just a great way to start the day and the show.


4) The Most Random Item In the Greenroom

 Photography by Arinea Hermans & Jahlen Barnes

There’s plenty of random items in our greenroom (including a line-ups of kinder egg toys from shows past, Dinosaur figurines on top of the intercom, etc) Though they’re not exactly random, it’s such a cool thing that the walls are covered in puzzles completed and signed by the cast of each show done at YPT.

5) Favourite Moment in Seussical

Arinea: I love “Monkey Around” – the song right before Horton has his clover stolen by the Wickersham brothers. I can’t get over how cool those three are in it.
Jahlen: My favourite moment in Seussical is when Horton sings the lullaby to the egg.

6) Opening Night Highlight

Jahlen: Opening night highlight was having drinks with all my friends and seeing all the people who came to support our night.
Arinea: Opening night highlight was definitely the energy of an audience that already loved us and wanted to laugh and cheer. Having my parents at my first professional opening was really special.

Seussical plays at the Young People’s Theatre until December 31, 2016 

Cover Image: The company of Seussical. Photo by Cylla von Tiedemann

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