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People, Places, and Things in Ballad of the Burning Star

Opening night is just around the corner for Ballad of the Burning Star,

Running May 19-24 at the Theatre Center, 1115 Queen St. West.
Get your tickets here

This is a fast-paced production depicting stories of those affected in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Stay ahead of the game, and check out our Ballad of the Burning Star study guide.

Shalom: Peace, also hi and good-bye

Erev Tov: Good Evening

Aravim: Evenings, also Arabic People

Tikva: Hope

Hai’iim: Life

Mavet: Death

Ptzaza: Bomb, also attractive woman

Rove: Gun

Baruch: Blessed

Paka paka: Etcetera, etcetera

Hamsa: A palm shaped amulet popular throughout the Middle East and North Africa, and commonly used in jewelry and wall hangings. Depicting the open right hand, an image recognized and used as a sign of protection in many societies throughout history, the Hamsa is believed to provide defense against the evil eye.

 Ichsa: An expression of disgust

Molotov Cocktail: Also known as a petrol bomb, poor man’s grenade, fire bomb.

Schell: German for “fast”

Achtung Juden: German for “Attention Jews”

Steimbleiben! Halt!: German for “Stay! Stop!”

Yalla: Common expression for “come on,” “lets get going,” and “hurry up.”

Hora Medura Translation: 

Hora Medura

Banu b’li kol vachol
Anu ani’yei etmol
Lanu hagoral masar
Et milyonei hamachar

Tzei na lama’agal
Ten na shir mizmor ladal
Heina ne’esfu lirkod
Bnei ha’oni vehashot

Hora ali, ali
Esh hadliki beleili
Tehora, rabat ora
Hora medura!

Campfire Hora

We came with nothing ‎
We, the poor of yesterday. ‎
To us, fate gave ‎
The millions of tomorrow. ‎

Come out to the circle, ‎
Let’s have a song for the poor. ‎
Here have gathered to dance, ‎
The sons of poverty and the whip. ‎

Hora arise, arise! ‎
Light a fire in my night.‎
Pure and full of light,‎
Campfire hora!‎

Galilee: A region in northern Israel which overlaps with much of the administrative Northern District and Haifa District of the country.

Nazareth: Largest city in the North District of Israel. Nazareth is know as “the Arab capital of Israel.”

Tel Aviv: Second most populous city in Israel, located on the Mediterranean coast in central-west Israel.

Bidu: A small city in Palestine.

Golan Heights: Borders Israel, Lebanon, and Jordan. As a geopolitical region, the Golan Heights is an area captured from Syria and occupied by Israel during the Six-Day War, territory which Israel effectively annexed in 1981.

Sinai: Or Sinai Peninsula, is a triangular peninsula in Egypt. It is situated between the Mediterranean Sea to the north and the Red Sea to the south, and is the only part of Egyptian territory located in Asia, as opposed to Africa.

Gaza: Or the Gaza Strip, is a region of Palestine on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea that borders Egypt and Israel.


Ballad of the Burning Star is a Theatre ad Infinitum production, presented by Acting Up Stage Company and Why Not Theatre, in association with Koffler Centre of the Arts.

For Tickets:

In person: The Theatre Centre, 1115 Queen St. West
Online: Click here
Over the phone: 416-538-0988

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